Delta Flux supplies liquids and powders for Non-Destructive Surface Magnetoscopic Checks.
The surface checks carried out with magnetoscopic machinery require the use of special consumable products containing magnetic particles which, orienting themselves along the electromagnetic flow lines deviated by the discontinuities and surface defects of the piece being analyzed, highlight them upon visual inspection.
Delta Flux supplies consumables for high quality magnetoscopic inspections:
- Odorless magnetic oil, with and without powder, in cans or drums
- Fluorescent and contrasting color additive in packs
- Wet and dry magnetic powder, in different colors and UV fluorescent
- Black magnetic spray cans with relative contrasting white lacquer and UV ray fluorescent.
The high quality materials used for the formulation of these consumables allow the perfect execution of magnetoscopic tests, guaranteeing excellent quality, precision and definition in the highlighting of surface defects. Ecological versions of all consumable products are also available on request, to reduce their environmental impact.